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43-51 Tanunda Road

Nuriootpa, SA 5355


Want to contact a specific member? just put their names in the Subject box and it'll go straight to them (or it'll slowly squiggle it's way to them as some of the members are lazy)


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About Q-Space

Q-Space is a place to anonymously ask pressing questions that pop up during our teenage years. Anything from sexuality, gender identity or health issues that aren't covered by standard school sex ed, such as "how do you even use a tampon?" or "How do I get rid of an awkward boner?" even "How do I know if i have a crush?". All very valid questions that our members will try to answer to the best of their abilities.


This site is run by volunteers aged between 12-25 and are based is South Australia. To keep our own identities anonymous, we have taken psuedo names. 


Every now and then we will host a face-to-face gathering where YOU can have a say in what happens to our agenda. Come along to one of these meetings to talk to Cinders, Hawkguy, CrossDresser, ItsNotAPhase, AdminAsp and TheRainbowMohawk (though you wont know who's which).


On a side note, as this site is really new and made by a technologically illiterate person *cough*Hawkguy*cough* we would appreciate if you could inform us of anything that's not doing what it's supposed to.

Upcoming Events

Q-Space Meeting

This is a reoccuring meeting open to anyone who wants to come along. This will be on the first Tuesday of every month at the Barossa Council Chambers.

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Events Coming Up

Our Members In One Quote

"I Have No Idea What I'm Doing, But I'm Pretty Sure I'm Doing It Well." ~Hawkguy

*ItsNotAPhase* Is too busy having a life so there may be a wait on this.

"Maybe It's Not My Weekend But It's Gonna Be My Year."


"Guys Can Wear Dresses, I Do And I Look Fabulous." 


( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


"Am I A Boy Or A Girl? Who Knows! Am I Here To Take Over The Government And Corrupt The Youth? Probably!" ~AdminAsp

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